Simplify All Your Reconciliations and Master Compliance

All Your Financial Flows Reconciled and Secured

Gérez vos flux financiers en toute sérénité

Les entreprises font face à une complexité croissante dans la gestion des flux financiers : multiplication des transactions, diversité des moyens de paiement, délais de traitement, erreurs comptables, risques de fraude… Sans un outil adapté, la réconciliation devient un casse-tête et les écarts s’accumulent, mettant en péril la fiabilité des comptes et le pilotage financier. 

Face à tous ces défis une solution de réconciliation automatisée vous permet de :  

  • Centraliser l’ensemble de vos flux  
  • Détecter automatiquement les anomalies 
  • Sécuriser votre trésorerie  
  • Vous libérer des erreurs et des processus manuels qui ralentissent votre activité  

Navigating strict regulations & managing complex processes

Compliance & Regulations

IFRS 17, Solvency II, SOX requirements, or CASS compliance—insurance companies face stringent regulations, making financial compliance control arduous and risk management challenging. Strengthen your control processes with a precise, reliable tool featuring automated reporting for seamless compliance.

Foreign Exchange Variances

Easily manage exchange rate variances by uploading up-to-date exchange rates directly into the platform. Create personalized dashboards to monitor variances and speed up your closing processes, focusing on analysis and resolution.

Financial Closing

With the XCERT solution, automate account certification, simplify reporting production,and streamline validation and control processe all in one place.

Flexible ETL

Integrate data from diverse sources, currencies, and formats into a flexible ETL that standardizes entries, transforms, and enriches data while giving you full control over data categorization.

Complex Processes & Reconciliations

Insurance brokers, underwriters, and reinsurers deal with intricate financial processes and reconciliations. Centralize all operations within a single tool offering comprehensive visibility.

Transparency & Reputation

Gain full audit trails and data history. Manage sensitive information securely on a unified platform that centralizes all operations, from policy issuance to claims processing. Detect fraud effortlessly and ensure credibility and compliance all in oneplace.

Trusted by Leading Insurance Companies

CALIXYS provides GENERALI France with expert advice and solutions for financial and
accounting data reconciliation. We successfully automated a large number of
reconciliation processes.

Christophe PRIVAT

Commission Management Manager, GENERALI

Tailored Solutions for the Insurance Sector

Reserves & Technical Provisions Reconciliation

Enhance your credibility and build client trust by automating the reconciliation of
reserves and technical provisions. Gain a daily, customized view of your coverage capabilities.

Premiums & Policies Reconciliation

Manage and verify payments and subscriptions with a single click. Achieve a precise overview of your operations and a strong foundation for decision-making.

Commissions Reconciliation

Insurance brokers, agents or reinsurers, partners & subcontractors, get out of commission reconciliation hell. A powerful, automated solution, whatever the volume, number of stakeholders, complexity or source of the data.

Claims Reconciliation

Ensure all claims are accurately documented and processed while meeting every contractual obligation. Create a clear, efficient, and reliable claims reconciliation process.

XREC, the all-in-one platform to manage all your recocniliation from record-to-report