XREC : All your reconciliations in one place
Master reconciliation with a record-to-report tool
End-to-end reconciliation
A flexible ETL
Automatic discrepancy analysis and management
Verify, validate, collaborate
Analyze, create reports & export
- Easy to use:Intuitivesolution,designed byexperts forexperts
- Comprehensive andmodularsuite: Tailoredto your needs
You are not alone
- Expert support:From projectcreation to go-live
- Dedicatedassistance: Asupport team alwaysat your service
- Proximityconsulting: For allyour projects
- Team training:Customizedsessions for yourstaff
Scale & Upgrade
- Resilient model: Replicable IT processes that accelerate deployment capacity
- Scalable solution: Consistently high performance, no matter the data volume
- Adaptability: Flexible enough to scale with your growth, team, and business
Justification des comptes
Uniformisez et automatisez la justification des comptes pour améliorer les processus de la révision et de la clôture comptable avec XCERT justification de comptes.
Your data is in good hands!
XREC is secured with data hosted in Europe and adheres to top-level securityprotocols: two-factor authentication, encryption, and sensitive data anonymization,fully compliant with GDPR standards.
Archive, export—it's up to you!
With substantial storage capacity, you can archive data and reports to ensure bettertraceability over time and conduct more in-depth analyses of process efficiency.
Everything is compliant!
Regulatory reporting is simplified with real-time reconciliation data updates, whether inbatches or ongoing. These features ensure you’re always audit-ready with a real-timeoverview.
Let’s talk numbers
XREC is cost-effective :
Clients typically see ROI within 6 months on average
Reduce financial losses :
XREC’s accuracy and speed minimize risks of human error, non-compliance (andassociated penalties), and save your finance teams over 5,000 hours annually.
Volume is no issue :
With millions of transactions reconciled every year, XREC is robust, powerful, andscalable enough to handle fluctuations in volume while maintaining peak performance.
Accuracy isn’t either!
XREC users report an average matching rate of 98%.
Wherever you are, XREC delivers :
Deployed in 144 countries, its multi-currency modules, exchange rate updates, andresilient replicable models support your international growth.
Hear it from our clients
L’adaptabilité de la solution XREC, face à la diversité des règles de matching font de cet outil un élément central dans le suivi de nos opérations quotidiennes.
Responsable du Contrôle Permanent
Comptable et Financier – Orange bank
La flexibilité de XREC, l’implémentation rapide des besoins fonctionnels, ainsi que l’écoute active des équipes CALIXYS permettent à XREC d’être un outil incontournable pour assurer un contrôle et un suivi optimal des flux transactionnels.
CALIXYS apporte ses conseils et toute son expertise sur les problématiques de réconciliation de données financières et comptables. Nous avons pu mettre en place l’automatisation d’un très grand nombre de rapprochements de données.
Manager Commissionnemet - Generali