Save over 5000 hours/year for your finance teams
Financial governance, performance, and profitability.
Your Challenges
As the guardian of your company’s financial health, ensuring the proper execution ofreconciliation and accounting certification processes is crucial for you. In this regard,you face several challenges:
Lack of Visibility
Having a comprehensive view of the company’s activity tomake your analyses and recommendations is essential. However, it is notalways easy when coordinating results from different departments, using
different tools. Furthermore, you need to trace anomalies to understand andimprove your processes in the long term.
Time Loss
Searching for the right data and information can be time-consuming.Performing accounting closing and reconciliation operations on an ever-increasing volume of data is also time-consuming.
Need for Reliable Data
Erroneous or outdated data, manual errors, orcalculation mistakes can slow down and distort the reports you rely on to makedecisions.
Ensuring Profitability and Team Performance
Calculation errors, non-compliance, and time loss can be costly. You are responsible for the company’sperformance as well as the profitability of your service. With manual and time-consuming processes, the profitability of the finance-accounting service is atrisk, leading to substantial financial losses.
Compliance Requirements
In addition to potential financial losses, you facecompliance challenges. Adhering to deadlines, ensuring data and regulatoryreport compliance, as well as traceability and archiving of each operation, arestress-inducing factors that add to your challenges.
Our Solutions
In response to all these concerns, a unique, centralized, reliable, collaborative, and,most importantly, automated solution is essential. The final goal is to achieve:
Traceability & Transparency
With full auditing and archiving of all operations,our solutions facilitate both internal and external audits. The automaticgeneration of customizable reports gives you an updated overview of teamperformance, business activity, and all reconciliation & certification processes.In addition to this global view, direct access to detailed views and a focus ondiscrepancies and anomalies is also available, making it easy to trace the rootcause of an issue.
Efficiency & Performance
Automation not only significantly reducesoperational discrepancies and human errors but also saves valuable time foryour teams. Their time can now be focused on analysis, rewriting, and resolvingdiscrepancies.
Custom dashboards simplify regulatory report production.Strengthened control processes enhance your financial governance: you regaintrust in your data integrity and rely on solid business intelligence for decision-making. You stop being reactive and become proactive in regaining control overyour financial management.
Differentiated profiles and user rights, as well as internalcommunication tools within the solution, allow you to granulate and controlaccess to financial data while streamlining the validation and verificationworkflow. Collaboration with external stakeholders is also facilitated, ensuringthe security of sensitive data while improving communication within andbetween departments.
Easy & Intuitive
All our solutions are developed by experts for experts, designedto be business-oriented and user-friendly. Intuitive and easy to use, they arequick to adopt, with an average adoption rate of 86% in our clients’ financedepartments.
From Import to Export
Specialized yet integrated, our solutions centralize andaccelerate the management of financial reconciliation operations from A to Z.They are “Report-to-Record” and handle data from import to analysis (Import,matching, identification, discrepancy classification…).
Reliable & Secure
Thanks to a powerful algorithm, the average matching rate is98% on the reconciliation module, and data is 100% reliable on the justificationmodule. All our solutions meet high cybersecurity standards and European dataprotection regulations.