Payment management reimagined for speed and reliability.
As a Payment Expert, you are responsible for ensuring the smooth and efficient flow oftransactions. Your challenges are numerous and strategic:
High and increasing volumes, seasonal spikes,international transactions, and the diversity of payment methods complicatetransaction management, raising the risk of errors and overburdening teams.
Consumers and partners expect fast paymentsand refunds. Any delays can impact customer satisfaction and harm thecompany’s reputation.
Identifying anomalies and discrepancies (duplicates,unmatched payments, reconciliation errors) requires time and resources,especially in a multi-channel environment.
Collaborating with PSPs, marketplaces,banks, and other parties can be challenging when the tools you use are notinteroperable or standardized.
To help you tackle these challenges, our solutions provide:
Importing,matching, identifying discrepancies, and tracking anomalies are smooth andfast, regardless of the volume. All your payments, accounts, channels,currencies, and PSPs reconciled in one place.
Optimized algorithms reduce error rates andaccelerate processing times to meet customer and partner expectations.
Track the performance of your teams,discrepancies, payment flows, and gain actionable insights to adjust yourprocesses.
Our tools integrate seamlessly with your PSPs,marketplaces, and internal solutions, ensuring frictionless collaboration amongall parties.
With advanced traceability and documentationfeatures, you’re always prepared for audits or regulatory requests.
Our solutions stand out for:
Average matching rate over 98%, ensuring accurate andactionable data
Designed for payment experts, it simplifies usage andimproves productivity.
Whether in Insurance, Retail, E-commerce, orlarge enterprises, our tools are tailored to meet the specific needs of yoursector.
Compliant with cybersecurity standards and dataprotection regulations, our solutions safeguard your transactional flows.
Gagnez en performance et rentabilité avec une solution automatisée, fiable et sécurisée pour la réconciliation et la clôture comptable. Simplifiez la gestion financière et améliorez la collaboration inter-services.
Simplifiez vos clôtures comptables avec XCERT et XREC : automatisation des rapprochements, conformité réglementaire, et gestion des écarts pour une gestion financière sans stress
Optimisez vos processus financiers avec une solution interconnectée, centralisée et sécurisée pour la réconciliation et la clôture comptable. Gagnez du temps et réduisez les coûts opérationnels.