More than ever, banks (investment,private, retail, neo-banking, etc.) areunder intense regulatory pressure.Increasing transaction volumes areheightening the complexity fordownstream, back-office and middle-office teams to process informationand ensure accurate control offinancial transactions. Regulatoryauthorities are urging companies toimplement strategies for operationalresilience, and to strengthen financialgovernance by adopting controlprocesses that are equal to thechallenge.
The ability to access accurate dataquickly, whatever the volume, is amajor growth challenge, and one thatCALIXYS can help you meet.
A platform that meets banks'performance requirements
The CALIXYS platform coversall a bank’s data reconciliation andjustification requirements: Finance,Investment, Treasury, PaymentInstruments, Cards, Accounting,ATMs, etc., and handles very largevolumes of data with ease and highperformance. It easily combines simple to complex reconciliations(multi-source).It facilitates collaboration, enablingteam exchanges and exceptionfollow-up actions. You gain greatervisibility of your financial data andoverview of the resolution ofdiscrepancies.
Manage all types ofreconciliation with our highly scalableplatform
Facilitate collaboration betweenyour finance and accounting teams
Easily handle very hightransaction volumes
Strengthen your financial governance with automated controls
Respond to regulatorypressure on time without affectingyour productivity, thanks to numerousautomation functions for reconcilingfinancial data and justifying accounts.Fully adapted user profiles withdifferent levels of accreditation andsegregation of duties.Common repositories that can bequickly configured. Full traceability ofthe transaction lifecycle. A completeplatform audit trail ensures clear andprecise visibility of all systemconfigurations and actions.
Mitigate risk with fully centralizeddata management
Reduce financial losses due tonon-justification
Implement an efficient strategyfor controlling your financial data
Discover how to improve your transactions reconciliation
Moins de temps consacré à la clôture des comptes
Réduction des pertes financières dues à la non-justification
Déduction du temps consacré à la gestion des rapprochements
They trust us
The power and adaptability of theXREC solution, in the face of thediversity of matching rules we need,makes this tool a central element inthe monitoring of our daily operations.
Head of Permanent Control, OrangeBank
XREC nous a permis d’automatiser le rapprochement de nos comptes bancaires avec nos données comptables en fiabilisant les états, en gagnant du temps de traitement et en facilitant les différents niveaux de contrôles grâce à une organisation des espaces de travail très claire.
Stéphanie MAUPEU
Responsable comptable, Banque Edel
XREC est un élément majeur de la tour de contrôle permettant de vérifier la bonne comptabilisation des opérations financières. Nous avons retrouvé des rapprochements automatisés qui permettent un gain de temps considérable pour l’équipe métier.
Olivier JEAN et Ronald MOUNIEN
DG Délégué et Resp. SI Finance, NICKEL